At The University of Texas at Arlington, our current marketing tagline is “Students First, Excellence Always.”
This sentiment drives everything we do, including in UTA Magazine, where our goal is to put stories of student success (and by extension, alumni success) front and center. One of the most impactful examples of this in our summer 2021 issue was “A Chance to Soar,” a feature article spotlighting students who are pursuing their dreams at UTA thanks to scholarship support. Choosing this feature as our cover story was the obvious decision, but given the strong portrait photography that accompanied the piece, selecting just the right visual for the cover was more challenging. In truth, each of these subjects deserved a chance to shine on their own, and using four versions of the cover was a perfect and surprisingly cost-effective way to achieve that. Although we chose cover versions simply to honor each student individually, we have been thrilled to see an added bonus: Colleagues across the University have taken a “collect them all” approach to displaying them around campus—bringing more attention to the magazine, the subjects, and the impact UTA has on student lives.
Amber Scott
Editor, UTA Magazine, The University of Texas at Arlington