Risk Management is the flagship publication of the Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS), a nonprofit association dedicated to advancing the risk management profession around the world.
For our July/August 2021 issue, an advertiser wanted to make a larger splash than what our traditional ad positions provided. As for any publication, revenue is important but so is making sure we strike the appropriate balance between editorial and advertising. And, as part of a professional organization that serves a broad risk management and insurance constituency, we’re not in the business of endorsing one company over another. With that in mind, we put our heads together and landed on offering a partial false cover wrap.
Our art director worked closely with the ad agency’s creative team to integrate the partial ad flap with our magazine’s masthead in a cohesive design, while providing enough contrast to clearly delineate between ad and editorial. This solution gave our client the visibility they wanted without requiring us to compromise our editorial vision—or obscure it entirely. The client was overjoyed with the result, which bodes well for our future relationship, and we now have a new premium advertising position.
Morgan O’Rourke
Editor in Chief, Risk Management, RIMS